
5 Steps To Take After A Personal Injury

If you've been injured in a car accident or on someone else's property, they may be responsible for your injuries and damages. If you need serious compensation and want to file a claim or sue the responsible individual, check out these five steps that you should take after you've been injured. Step One: Visit the Doctor After the injury, the most important thing is to make sure you are okay. Don't worry about contacting lawyers or insurance carriers yet. Read More 

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Filing for Disability

An injury or illness that results in disability can leave you struggling to make ends meet. It's only natural that you would consider applying for social security disability. The key is to make sure you apply correctly. The following are three mistakes to avoid when you are filing for disability. #1: Having a non-qualifying disability Not every disability qualifies for social security disability payments. First and foremost, your disability must be a long-term disability, which means it is expected to persist for more than a year. Read More 

Why Your Social Security Disability Case Can Be Denied

Planning on collecting social security disability? You should know that there is a chance that your case can be denied, which is usually due to a simple mistake. Denials can be appealed, but you will always be better starting off with a case that is strong. Be sure to know about these two reasons cases can be denied, which will help ensure that you avoid making a mistake. Reason 1: Lacking Communication Read More 

Can A Pharmacist Be Sued Over A Problem Prescription?

There's a very important safeguard that's standing between you and the medication your doctor prescribes -- that safeguard is your pharmacist. When a pharmacist is negligent, that could result in avoidable deaths. This is what you should know. Pharmacists play an important role in patient safety in several ways. A pharmacist, just like a doctor, has patients for which he or she is responsible. While the doctor may prescribe the medication he or she wants to the patient to have, the pharmacist has a fairly intricate job that goes beyond merely counting out the right number of pills and putting a label on the bottle: Read More 

Divorce And Your Joint Tax Return

Going through a divorce can present some unique challenges for couples looking to dissolve their marriage. One of the challenges that is often unexpected is the filing of a joint tax return while going through the divorce process. If you and your spouse are planning to file a joint tax return, here are three things that you need to keep in mind to protect yourself from liability in the event the information contained within the tax return proves to be incorrect. Read More