Ready for a Divorce? Honesty & Mediation May Be Ideal

If you just want to get divorced, consult a divorce attorney first. You want to meet with a lawyer first so you can go over what the two of you have, what your situation is financially, and what reason you will put on the divorce papers. Here are some of the things you can ask the lawyer about, so that you can get the divorce settled quickly and you can get on with your life.

Mediate a Divorce

 You can skip the days in court, the fighting and battling over assets, and taking the divorce into months or years of time, by mediating the situation. If you and your spouse can agree on everything between lawyers, and you can both negotiate and work with each other, the divorce can happen quickly. Mediating benefits you in many ways, including:

  • Save time
  • Save money on lawyer fees and court costs
  • Keep people out of your divorce
  • Less stress on the children

If you haven't considered mediating divorce, it may end up saving you money even if you don't get everything that you want.

Have Your Lawyer Contact Theirs

If you don't want to serve them with the papers at work, or somewhere they could be seen, talk with your lawyer about having the papers delivered to your spouse's law office, where they can meet the contracted person. This way the spouse doesn't have to get embarrassed or unexpected by getting served with the divorce. This is a very common and quick way to get through this part of the process.

Find Out What is Yours

You want to know before you start the mediation what is yours financially, so you know what you could get if you took the divorce in front of a judge. Once you know what you could get, then it makes it easier to let go of things or settle on a number in mediation. Find out worst case and best case scenarios.

If you are tired of your marriage and you don't think that there is any way for your to resolve it, then meet with a lawyer and find out what your options are. Talk with your spouse to see if they agree that divorce is the best option, and how they want to proceed. Being up front and honest from the beginning may be the best way to get them to agree on a divorce. 
