DUI and DWI are more than a traffic ticket. When you get a DUI or a DWI, you are going to face a wide range of consequences. That is why you need to have an attorney represent you so that you can minimize the consequences you face and the way they impact your life.
Find a Licensed Attorney
First, you need to find a licensed attorney to help you with your case.
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While all driving under the influence (DUI) charges are serious, if the accused is not yet 21 years of age, the charges and the punishments are different. To find out what to expect if your loved one has been arrested and charged with underage drinking and driving, read on.
Stricter Standards
Anyone caught driving while intoxicated can be charged with a DUI. To be legally intoxicated, the standard in all states is a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of above .
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While assumptions can be ill-advised, it's pretty safe to say that you will probably be offered a plea bargain after your driving under the influence (DUI) charge. Plea bargains are a deal struck between a defendant (the person charged with the DUI) and the prosecutor's office. While plea bargains can be a very good thing, you should have the full complement of information about your case at your disposal before you agree to one.
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When you separate from your spouse, you may be dreading the actual divorce process—but divorce is relatively simple these days for most people thanks to "no-fault" divorce laws in every state. It probably won't be long before you're legally unentangled from your spouse.
However, separating your digital life from your soon-to-be-ex may be a lot more complicated. Here's a basic guide on how to make sure that you don't stay accidentally digitally intertwined with your spouse during a divorce.
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Personal injury lawsuits do not cover just slips and falls and car accidents. They cover any situation wherein enough harm caused someone to lose something of value or to be damaged in some irreparable way. These cases are heard about less often, as most people revert to trying to shake it off or approach it in a way where they sue for slander or libel rather than personal injury. If you have had another person's actions affect your job, your financial security, your family, etc.
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