
Do You Have To Take A Car Accident Case To Trial?

Even if you want to sue for your car accident, you may not want to go to court. You may not want to testify on the witness stand, or you may just think that going to court will take too long. You don't always have to go to trial, but if you aren't prepared to, you may reduce what you can recover. Do All Car Accident Cases Go to Trial? Read More 

Three Common Defenses for Spousal Abuse Charges

Not everyone who is arrested is guilty of the crime that they are charged with. If you were arrested on spousal abuse or domestic violence charges, there may be more to the story than what the officers noted. A great criminal defense attorney can work to defend you against the charges you are facing by raising possible defenses. Here are three common defenses that criminal defense attorneys often use when their clients are charged with spousal abuse or domestic violence. Read More 

Damaged By Another: How To Seek Money Damages

You may be entitled to monetary compensation if you can show that you were damaged by another's actions. You can take legal action against a person, a business, or even a government entity. When speaking of damages, that word has different meanings depending on how it's used. Read on and find out more. Physical Injuries When it comes to seeking compensation, almost everyone immediately thinks about car accidents and being physically injured. Read More 

3 Challenges You Face When Filing A Personal Injury Claim

Sustaining an injury can have a negative impact on your day-to-day life. If your injury was caused by the negligence of another, you may be able to seek financial compensation in a court of law. Personal injury cases aren't always straightforward. In order to prepare for the complexities of your own personal injury case, it can be helpful to learn about some of the challenges you may encounter while filing a personal injury lawsuit. Read More 

3 Reasons You Should Not Put Off Contacting An Accident Lawyer After Being In A Car Crash

Many people want to at least try and settle their own personal injury claim after being involved in a car crash before hiring an accident lawyer. In many cases, this desire is born out of the hope that they will not need to pay legal fees. While the temptation to go this route may be understandable, deciding to take this approach can ultimately backfire. If you are thinking about putting off hiring a lawyer regarding your accident claim, you will want to consider the three facts outlined below before making your final decision. Read More