Even if you make too much money, you might still be able to get the debt relief you need by filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy. This may not be an insurmountable obstacle, however, so read on to learn more about means testing and income reductions.
The Means to Pay
Several years ago, there were no income provisions in the bankruptcy codes, and that led to a lot of people who did have the means to pay filing for bankruptcy, sometimes repeatedly.
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While your pets may be considered your best friends or family, in the eyes of the law, they are considered property. This means that when you die, your pet will be treated as any other property you own and could end up in a shelter. Therefore, it's important to have a plan for your pet in place in case you die first. Here are some things you should know about providing for your pet in your will and creating a trust.
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There are far too many personal injuries that occur at work and in your community that go unnoticed. People do not listen to their bodies, or they try to shake it off, only to make it worse. If you were recently injured while at work or just outside a business, and you did nothing for it, here are some reasons why you should rethink that and go visit your doctor right away.
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If someone close to you has just been picked up because there was a warrant out for their arrest, and it's imperative that they get out of jail right away, you have to talk with a bail bonds professional. A bail bondsman is a professional that you will pay a set amount of money to to get your friend out of jail, and they cover the rest of the bail. Usually you have to pay the bondsman around 10 percent of the bail; it could be more or less.
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If you just want to get divorced, consult a divorce attorney first. You want to meet with a lawyer first so you can go over what the two of you have, what your situation is financially, and what reason you will put on the divorce papers. Here are some of the things you can ask the lawyer about, so that you can get the divorce settled quickly and you can get on with your life.
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